Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Where Can Single Women Find Quality Men?

The decades may change but the song remains the same, women are forever lamenting that 'all of the good ones are taken'. They are, of course, referring to men, and the common complaint is that there is just no good place to meet quality men. We have a few ideas that suggest otherwise! One great place to meet men is your local sports team's events. If you are athletic-minded, you can join an intramural sports league of your choice and be sure to meet other active individuals who share your interest. A volleyball or softball league will last a good few months and give you ample opportunity to get to know some great guys who are also into the sport of your choice! Many times after games, the members of the league go out for beer or wings after the games and this socializing can't hurt your chances of meeting a great date either. Sign up for a league, join a team, and take the step to get to know your great men in the community! Sometimes women are gun-shy about meeting men at the gym, but it too can be a great place for new beginnings. If you are at all faithful with your workouts, chances are you are there at least a few times a week and see the same faces. If you are, and if any of those faces (or bodies!) interest you, send a smile his way or make sure you need to 'work in' to the machines he is using and incorporate the same equipment into your workout. You can have a brief and friendly conversation without interrupting his routine. If you're not the sports type, there are still a number of community groups or activities in which you can take part and you may be lucky enough to meet a great guy. Do you like acting? Take up an acting class, or try out for a part in a play at your local playhouse. You will have the opportunity to explore a fun, dramatic side of yourself and get a good look inside others' personalities at the same time. This is a fun way to check someone out without them knowing you're checking them out! Of course, if acting is a bit too scary for you or it's just not your thing, you can sign up for a dance class, a painting class, or yoga class instead. Any interest you have, really, can be transformed into a good excuse to reach out and meet someone new. If you have children from a previous relationship, a good place to find like-minded people is at your child's play group. A "Mommy and Me" class, or your child's local swimming class or gym class can be a great place to meet up with single dads who obviously have something very important in common with you, they have children too! Usually, these classes meet at least once weekly for a period of months, which gives you plenty of time to get to know the prospective date. With these kinds of meet-ups, you can also rest assured that if something should spark, the prospective date knows that you have children and is accepting of that. It's great to know from the start that you have such a special common interest. If you have a spiritual side, your church or synagogue can be a wonderful meeting place. Often, there are retreats that take place for weekends of spiritual reflection where you can really get to know the person in-depth in a short amount of time. Sometimes, your place of worship will offer singles mixers or dances as well. Even if it does not or you are not inclined to take advantage of a weekend-long event, you can certainly check out the same guy each Saturday night or Sunday morning from afar; there is nothing wrong with it! Perhaps after the service, if you have a coffee hour, you can strike up a conversation then. A similar way to meet men that is also altruistic is through a program your church or synagogue may sponsor. Programs like Habitat for Humanity, or the United Way, often have goings-on that not only do a great amount of good for mankind but allow you to meet other people who are kind and have a sense of community. It can be tough to meet men; there is no doubt about it. However, you don't have to resort to the bars and nightclubs to meet quality guys. They can be right in your back yard and you don't even know it. All you need to do is get out there and explore your own interests, really, to find someone who shares them.

Making the Most of the Dating Game - How to Stay Fresh Out There

Why is it, when it comes to dating, men always seem to be winning the game? And yes, make no mistake, it is a game. So why can't women play right along with men? They can, as long as they don't let their female tendency to over-think get in the way! Women can play as well as men, but they may have to play by the men's rules since they were the creators of the game. In other words, play the game right back at them! Have fun with the players! Why wait for a guy you are interested in to call you or not call you? Ask him for his number at the bar where you met him, and don't wait for him to ask for yours. In fact, don't even let him have yours, just ask him for his. Use it if you want to, but feel free and completely within your right to toss it on your nightstand and let it sit there for a few days too. If you do end up having a great conversation with a guy at the bar or at a party or other social event, don't feel the need to hang on his every word until he gets bored and decides to move on, only to come back to you at the end of the night to see if you'll leave with him. Do your own leaving! Ok, so you're not the type to play these games and find then rather distasteful. Let's say you are ready, willing and able to jump headfirst into dating with no games whatsoever. Why, then, haven't you found the man of your dreams? You are attractive, witty, you have a great job and you are single. Perhaps you need to take a good look at your motives and re-think what's really important to you. Chances are you have been dating for longer than you would like to admit, and it may just be a matter of looking at your situation with fresh eyes. One thing to remember is not to sweat the small stuff. If you hate his shirt, who cares? So many women get hung up on trivial things like this. What if his ex-girlfriend told him it was the hottest shirt she has ever seen and you just happen to have a different opinion? For all you know, you could be wearing something that reminds him of his mother and you spent two hours getting as hot as you could get tonight preparing for your date. Even if he ends up truly being a bad dresser, this is something that can change over time or perhaps you can even learn to ignore it. There are more important things, which should come to light when you re-think why you are dating in the first place. On the opposite end of the spectrum is another dating trap into which women fall and what I call the "He's The One" syndrome. Some women become so desperate for love that they convince themselves after very little time that the present guy of the moment is their One True Love. By romanticizing every little thing and making him into a larger-than-life character instead of recognizing his humanity, you do yourself a disservice. First, you fail to see this man for who he really is. This is a problem because in a few short months, when even more of his traits come to light, you may want to walk away from an otherwise great relationship because you have put him on a pedestal without his asking for it. Second, by making more of the relationship than it is too early, you may scare him away. Yes, men still do get scared. Even if he is very excited about the prospect of dating you, he is likely not ready for marriage after a month and neither should you be. In taking your time, hard as it may be, you will learn more and more about him. This is, in fact, the third reason to not fall prey to "He's The One" syndrome. Once you learn more about him, you may discover aspects that you truly dislike and this will help you to decide what you really do want in a man and be helpful later on in life when the next guy comes along. To the contrary, you may learn more about your current date and find new things to cherish all the time. By taking it slowly, you may discover the little nuances of his personality that you have missed if you had been rushing it and always trying to get to the 'next level' so to speak. Men may think they have the market wrapped up when it comes to dating know-how, but there is no reason to perpetuate this myth. Women have just as much know how and should start to use it!